Thursday, October 31, 2019

Economics of Organisations TAKE HOME EXAM 1 writer for all 3 questions Essay

Economics of Organisations TAKE HOME EXAM 1 writer for all 3 questions - Essay Example Requirement for decreasing transaction costs causes formation of economic institutions so as to achieve transactions in the framework and via it to reduce transaction costs (Williamson O. 1996). Williamson formulates a clear representation between the 3 dimensions of transactions and the cost-denigrating control structure, with diverse institutional agreements rising with special linking of these variables. Transaction in particular assets can help in earning quasi-rents and these quasi-rents render the motivation for distribution of struggle. Those Agreements which helps in influencing the allocation of the quasi-rent should be decided, supervised, and imposed. All these processes results in transaction costs. If opportunism jeopardises the persistence of the deal itself then amalgamation would be the best solution since it can successfully restrain opportunism. Williamson, Oliver E. ... (Adopted from Dnaiel 2003) Asset Specificity Asset specificity is a rationally understandable perception. It denotes to the level to which an asset can be redeployed to different uses, without surrendering its productive worth (Williamson, 1996). According to John and Weitz (1988, p 24), "Because non-redeployable specific assets make it costly to switch to a new relationship, the market safeguard against opportunism is no longer effective." Consequently, if asset specificity is high, TCE forecasts that the firm has a tendency to use more incorporated channel structures so that transaction costs can be minimised. The normal proposal has benefited some level of back up in existential research. Anderson (1985), John and Weitz (1988), Klein, Frazier, and Roth (1990), and Majumdar and Ramaswamy (1995) all feel that asset specificity is definitely linked to the point of channel integration. But, Aulakh and Kotabe (1997) could not discover a noteworthy outcome for asset specificity on channel combination. Two researchers discovered back up for the potential integration between internal uncertainty and channel integration. Anderson (1985) determines that the complexity of assessing salesperson execution is certainly linked to the utilisation of a company possessed sales force. In reality asset specificity produces a specific form of monopoly which is based on stretched link between economic agents. Considerable quantity of the transactions' unusual investment is an issue for competence. At the same time it links economic agents in such a way so that they have to reckon on each other very powerfully. There are events where the parties enlarge the specificity of the assets affected in the contract so as to protect against ethical danger. For instance

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Discovering Management Thought Leaders - Andrew Kakabadse Essay

Discovering Management Thought Leaders - Andrew Kakabadse - Essay Example ict approach to governance practice, boardroom effectiveness and research work has contributed widely to his success, achievements and excellent reputation. According to Wall Street Journal, in support of the Harvard Business Review, Kakabadse features in the top fifty executive researchers and educators, who specializes in interpersonal skills, particularly on issues related to governance practices, international relations and leadership (Kakabadse, Bank & Vinnicombe 2004). According to Kakabadse, Bank & Vinnicombe (2004), what separate Kakabadse from other instructors, educators or professors are based on priority, interest and the mode with which he disseminate his services, which inherently include teaching, writing and proper research on top teams and boards. In addition, much as other instructors would be over emphasizing on payment before delivering their services to their clients, for instance charging the clients according to duration and amount of service they provide to the clients, Kakabadse would put his results before the payment (Kakabadse & Korac, 1998). This implies that he would not ask for payment if he has not registered a positive impact or result to his clients. Another feature, distinguishing Kakabades from other thinkers, is his peculiar understanding of the issues related to board research and the concept surrounding the international practices and the governance practices. Unlike other educators, Kakabadse view research and international relation not as a brief interaction but rather as a lasting obligation to generate exemplary results to the boards and their team, and to establish how the boards are viewed, including positive feedback, which can be assimilated into his more than 20 global databases. Moreover, Kakabadse, through out his working, has maintained hyperactive and relentlessly positive character, a trait which has made him outsmart other thinkers in the same line of activity (Kakabadse, Bank & Vinnicombe 2004). This

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Impact of Speech, Language and Communication Difficulties

Impact of Speech, Language and Communication Difficulties Language is the vehicle for most learning, so when a child has speech, language and communication difficulties it can affect the development of the child’s cognitive, social and emotional wellbeing. The level of development problems will vary depending on the severity of the problems and the support that the child receives. All children can benefit from some support in speech, language and communications because of how important it is for learning. We need all three elements of speech, language and communication to get our message across, without any of these, what a child says and understands may become confused. Here are some areas that may be affected. Personal, social and emotional development. Some may find it difficult to follow the rules of communication and interact socially with others. Because they may find it hard to express themselves and get their views and needs across to others they can often find themselves avoiding social interaction situations. This can then make them feel they lack confidence and have a low self-esteem. Decision making will become difficult and they may start to rely on others to make decisions for them. Friendships. Friendships are very important for children. Children with speech, language and communications difficulties can find making and maintaining friendships a real challenge. The ability to understand and negotiate disagreements, socialise with peers and be part of a friendship group is an important development in life. This can become even more difficult as the child progresses through primary school as the need increases for them to become more aware of the feelings, thoughts and motives of others. Behaviour. Children with these difficulties can often become frustrated, this can result in them demonstrating behaviour difficulties. These can range from occasional bouts of unpredictable behaviour to more specific patterns of misbehaviour. Sometimes because of this poor behaviour, which is often seen as the bigger issue, the language difficulties can be missed. Play. Play is a vital part of a child’s development, by playing they can learn from their peers. When a child struggles with speech, language and communication, this can have an effect on their ability to play with others. They may not have the confidence to mix with others and participate in games as they can struggle to understand the rules or to make themselves be understood when explaining what they want to play. Literacy. Spoken language is important for the development of reading and writing. Children with speech and language problems will often go on to also have reading and writing difficulties. Children who are unable to understand complex oral language and word meanings can have reading difficulties because their ability to understand and produce written language is limited. This can have a knock on effect with accessing the rest of the curriculum, for example, for the development of maths there needs to be an understanding of language and instructions to help with mathematical problem solving and using number and shape names. Adapting Communications Methods. There are lots of things all practitioners can do to help a child with language and communication difficulties. The level of adaptions required will depend on the severity of the child’s difficulties. You will need to discover how the child communicates and just how well they can communicate to be able to make the best adaptions. It would certainly be advisable for all practitioners to take part in a speech and language therapy total communication workshop. This will explain the ability to communicate by whatever means available. This may include a combination of any of the following. Natural gesture, e.g. painting, body movements, speech, vocal noises, signs, symbols, pictures and photos. Children are more likely to learn and take in more when they are not rushed and given time to listen. Slow your speech down so that they have more time to process what is being said to them or asked of them. Make sure the child is given time to answer a question. By rushing them into answeri ng can make them feel they have failed and therefore less likely to want to attempt to communicate. Objects of reference can be used as a way of communication. These are objects that are chosen to represent activities, places, times etc. and are used meaningfully and systematically. Objects are used because they are multi-sensory and permanent. They also help when used in a systematic way. It can develop symbolic understanding, for example, something that can represent something else. Develop the understanding of what’s going to happen next. Develops the concept of start and finish. It also helps retention of information by the use of prompts. It will develop the ability to communicate when using objects of reference. It is important to speak to the child, but the level of language should be based on the level of understanding by the child. Use keywords, known vocabulary and have a consistent routine. PECS(Picture Exchange Communication System) can help those that have communication difficulties to initiate communication, although this is a very structural approach and best implemented by someone who is trained in it. When giving children with language and communication difficulties instructions or explaining to them about an activity, it is important that you make sure the child has fully understood what has been said to them. Asking the child to repeat what you have asked them or get them to explain the activity to you will help you decide if they have a good understanding of what is asked of them. You can help by shortening your sentences and use more simple words that are age and development related. Signing with a child can be helpful in many ways, it gains their attention and can improve eye contact, expressive speech can develop. Signing is known to stimulate the some area of the brain as speech, make sure you sign slowly and only sign keywords. It is important to speak naturally with the signs. Do not overload the child with too many signs and only teach the signs that are useful to the child that you are working with. Just by learning a few key signs such as drink and toilet can enhance s ome children’s lives enormously. English as an addition Language. Because there are more and more children entering the childcare settings who speak English as an additional language, practitioners may have to give extra support to these children to help them develop their skills in English. Practitioners should value this linguistic diversity and provide opportunities for these children to use and develop their home language in their play and learning. Home language skills are transferable to new languages and can strengthen the child’s understanding of language use. As some of the child’s family may not speak any English, it is important to understand that the child will still need to speak their home language for communications in the home. Home languages are vital for maintaining positive family connections. Practitioners have a key role in reassuring parents that by maintaining and developing their home language will benefit their children with their developing skills in English. English will need to be learnt in a context, throu gh practical meaningful experiences and interactions with others. These children may spend a long time listening before they speak and go through a silent phase. This is not usually a cause for concern as they are still learning. They will often be able to understand much of what they hear, especially where communication through gesture, facial expression and visual support is encouraged. Understanding is always in advance in spoken language and it is important that children do not feel pressured into speaking until they feel confident to do so, but it is essential that adults continue to talk to the children with the expectation that they will respond. Learning opportunities should be planned to help children develop their English. Build on the child’s experiences of language at home, so that their developing use of English and other languages support one another. Provide a variety of writing in the children’s home languages as well as English including books, labels and notices. Make sure the child has a range of opportunities to engage in speaking and listening activities in English with peers and adults. Practitioners will also have to keep close supervision over children that have English as an additional language and continually reinforce instructions, as these children may find it difficult to understand rules and boundaries and therefore can place themselves at risk of danger and hurting themselves. Supporting Speech, Language and Communication needs of children. The earlier any problems with a child’s speech are picked up the better as the relevant support can be put into place. It is therefore vital for all those working with children to appreciate the importance of speech, language and communication. Make sure they are aware of how they can support the development of speech, language and communications in all children. Are able to identify children with difficulties and know where to get them additional support. Know how to work with specialists such as speech therapists. It’s not always easy to tell if a child has a speech, language and communication need, it can depend on several things, and for example what age the child is and what type of difficulties they may have. Usually a parent or a family member will be the first person to realise the child has a difficulty, sometimes it can be staff at a nursery or school who notice there is a problem. Testing can begin right from birth as many babies now have a new-born hearing t est. Problems with hearing can lead to speech difficulties. If a parent has concerns about their child’s speech, language and communication development, they can seek advice from their health visitor, G.P. school nurse or teacher. Any of these should be able to support the parent in making a referral to a speech and language therapist if necessary. Speech and language therapists have specialist skills and knowledge about the development of speech and language. They are trained to assess the child’s speech and language development, notice whether there are any difficulties, make a diagnosis and develop an individual treatment plan to the child’s needs and work alongside the parent to implement the plan. Impact of Speech, Language and Communication Difficulties Impact of Speech, Language and Communication Difficulties Speech, language and communication development are at the heart of all childrens learning and link to other areas of a childs development. Without speech, language and communication skills, a child will not be able to reach their full potential. According to the charity ICAN, 1 in 10 children in the UK, 2 or 3 in every classroom have communication difficulties that require specialist help. ( With such a high number of children with communication difficulties, it is important to have knowledgeable practitioners to effectively support childrens speech, language and communication skills. Learning Outcomes At the end of this unit, you will be able to: Explain how speech and language difficulties can impact on a childs overall development. Describe ways in which communication can be modified or adapted. Explain how to meet the communication needs of children who speak English as an additional language. Analyse the role that other professionals play in supporting the speech, language and communication needs of children. Introduction There are increasing numbers of children entering an educational environment with speech and language difficulties. This unit will enable you to understand some of the main causes of speech and language difficulties and the effects it can have on other areas of childrens development. This unit will help you to understand how to effectively support childrens speech, language and communication skills and adapt your communication accordingly. Effects of speech and language difficulties Speech and language difficulties in children can be caused by many different factors: Childhood Illnesses Chronic ear infections can have an effect on a childs speech and language development. If ear infections are persistent, fluid will be present in the ear for long periods of time. This can result in hearing difficulties, which can affect how a child processes language, which can in turn result in delayed speech and language. Use of dummies and bottles Prolonged use of dummies and bottles in babies and young children can have effects on a childs speech, language and communication. Before babies learn to say words and sentences, they explore their voices by producing noises and different sounds. Prolonged use of dummies and bottles can result in a child using their voice less often to make noises and sounds. The teat from the bottle or dummy can also prevent normal movement of the tongue and lips at the front of the mouth; leading to distorted speech. Difficulty in using oral muscles Oral motor disorders can affect children. A child that has an oral motor disorder will find it difficult to use the muscles in their lips, jaw and tongue. Difficulty in using these muscles will affect how a child can use their mouth and create difficulties with speaking, eating and drinking. Developmental Difficulties Children with Autistic Spectrum Difficulties experience difficulties in communicating. They find it difficult to understand or use verbal or non-verbal communication skills. Pregnancy or birth difficulties Dysarthria is a condition affecting the muscles used for speech, creating speech and language difficulties. It is often caused by changes to the brain during pregnancy and at birth. Lack of stimulation Children learn by watching others. They observe and copy language, behaviour and actions of others around them. If a child does not receive language stimulation in their early years, they will not acquire effective language and communication skills. The Literacy Trust runs an initiative titled, talk to your baby to support early language stimulation. They explain that, lack of early language stimulation can lead to language delay, and sometimes literacy and learning difficulties that then extend well beyond early literacy development and can be extremely costly or difficult to remedy. ( The Impact of Speech, Language and Communication Difficulties Speech, language and communication skills are fundamental to promoting other areas of learning. During a recent review of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum by Dame Clare Tickell (The Tickell Review), it became apparent that communication and language skills provide a strong foundation for further learning to take place. As a result of this review, Communication and Language development has now become a prime area of learning for children within the Early Years Foundation Stage. If a child is having difficulties with communication and language, their overall development may be affected. The impact of a childs communication and language difficulties will vary depending on the childs individual needs and severity of their difficulties. The following areas could be affected: Personal, Social and Emotional Development Friendships Behaviour Play Literacy Mathematics Personal, Social and Emotional Development Personal, social and emotional development looks at how children develop self-confidence and self-esteem and also at how children make choices and decisions. A child with a communication and language difficulty may find it difficult to express their needs and preferences, meaning that they may refrain from making their own choices and decisions. The development of acceptable social skills is reliant upon play and interaction with others. Children may not feel confident in entering social situations where they find it difficult to interact or participate to a full extent; this can negatively affect their social and emotional difficulties. Friendships The development of friendships relies on positive interaction between two people. Children build friendships by communicating and interacting with one another. Positive communication relies on eye contact, body language and gestures to be used alongside language in order to understand what another person is saying. As children become older, language is essential for establishing and maintaining relationships. A child with difficulties communicating may be left out of friendships. Behaviour Communication and language difficulties and behaviour are closely linked. Children, who have difficulty listening and processing language, therefore may not understand the rules and boundaries of the classroom or setting. This may result in tantrums or frustration demonstrated by the child, as they are unable to understand why they are not allowed to do something. Communication difficulties can result in a child having fewer opportunities for social interaction with other children and less experience in co-operating and sharing with others. In this instance, children may not understand the social expectations of play, which can result in the child snatching toys, rather than learning how to share. If a child has difficulty verbally communicating, they may become frustrated as they are unable to explain their interests and needs. Play Play is valuable for young children. The Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum values play as an effective method of learning for young children, play is essential for childrens development, building their confidence as they learn to explore, to think about problems, and relate to others. Children who have difficulty with communication may find it difficult to engage with and relate to other children during play. As children become older, they enjoy using language to communicate with each other and to play team games with rules. Difficulty engaging with others or understanding the rules of games can leave a child isolated and left out of activities with other children. This will also affect a childs confidence and self-esteem. Insert photo here: This image shows how a child can be left out from group games and activities. Literacy Speech and language skills are important for childrens literacy development. Difficulty in understanding and processing language can lead to delays in the development of phonic skills and reading. The ability to understand written communication is an essential tool for learning, as it supports learning across other areas of the curriculum. Mathematics Mathematical development includes aspects such as problem solving and reasoning, which often require understanding of language and instructions. Many other areas of Mathematics also rely upon the use of mathematical language, such as using number and shape names and numerical language. This close link between literacy and mathematics can cause mathematical delays for children with communication difficulties. Adapting communication methods Children with speech, language and communication difficulties will all have varying degrees of severity and will therefore need different levels of support. There are many different strategies that can be adopted in order to support individual children. Slow down your communication In order to process language, children require time to listen, think about and work out what has been said to them. Slowing down the speed in which you communicate with children will give them time to listen to and process the language. By pausing after asking questions, children will get the chance to think about an answer to the question. Do not rush children. This may result in the child feeling like they have failed and will lower their self-esteem and confidence. Children will be more likely to attempt to communicate and answer questions if they feel comfortable and get the opportunity to participate. Use Visual Aids Using visual aids can support children in understanding communication. Within everyday communication, gestures and hand actions can support a conversation and can engage a child. Within a setting, visual aids can be used to help the child to understand the daily routine and to make choices and decisions. A visual timetable is a popular strategy used to give children structure for the day and reduce anxiety. A visual timetable is a sequence of symbols or pictures that is displayed in order to demonstrate the activities planned for the session. Children can become involved in the visual timetable by removing the symbols when that activity is complete. Symbols or pictures can also be used to support children in decision making. For example, a practitioner could have symbols for different types of fruit and encourage a child to choose a picture to represent what they would like for their snack. This strategy can be applied to other areas of the childs day, such as choosing activities. Check Childrens Knowledge and Understanding When giving children instructions or explaining an activity, it is important to clarify their knowledge and understanding of the task. By encouraging children to repeat the instructions or by asking them to explain what they are expected to do, you will be able to ensure that they have understood what you have asked them to do. Simplify your Language Shortening your sentences and simplifying your language can help children to process language and understand what has been said to them. Think about the words you use with children and ensure that they are not too complex for their age and stage of development. For example, you could replace the word construct with the word build. Guided Activity Think about some of the vocabulary you use with children. For each word or phrase, identify a simplified version you could use with children with communication difficulties. Praise Childrens Efforts Giving children praise is an important method to promote the use of communication. Praising a child for participating in an activity or for what they have done well will help to build a childs self-esteem and confidence and may further encourage their participation. Share the conversation Model the correct language and communication Being a good role model is important for all childrens acquisition of language and communication; however it is especially important for children with communication difficulties. If a child is saying a word or sentence wrong, do not place emphasis on the error, but repeat the word or sentence back to them in its correct form. For example, if a child says me do paint, you could join in with the child and say, Im doing some painting too. Use Alternative and Augmentative Communication Methods For some children that have little or no verbal communication skills, using an alternative or augmentative communication method is essential to enable them to communicate their needs and preferences. Children with Autistic Spectrum Difficulties will often have little or no speech. They will usually be able to understand communication, but will need alternative communication methods to enable them to communicate their wishes. Supporting children who speak English as an additional language There are more and more children entering childcare settings who speak English as an additional language. Most of these children will have developed speech, language and communication skills in their home language and will need support from practitioners to develop their skills in English. It is important for practitioners to recognise childrens home languages as important because: The child will feel valued and respected. The home language is important for family relationships and connections. Some members of a childs family, may not speak any English, therefore a child will still need to speak their home language for vital communications in the home.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Albert Einstein Essay -- biographies biography bio

Education "The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education" -Albert Einstein Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 in Germany to a Jewish couple. While having initial complications with a misshapen head during child birth, he grew normally. However it was commented by Albert Einstein's relatives that he was a little slow. Einstein's lack of intelligent was shown by his late age of learning how to speak. His first formal education (besides the private education he received before school) was at a Catholic school in Munich . This institution was short-lived because of Einstein's taste and disagreements with the professor. He left the school and Ulm Germans and moved to Milan . While in Milan , Einstein wanted to continue his primary education, and in 1895 took his entrance exam to ETH in Zurich . His scores were not sufficient enough to allow him to enter the primary school, instead he went to a community school in the nearby city of Aarau . In 1896 he received his school certificate and enrolled ETH with intentions in becoming a mathematics or physics teacher. Einstein got average marks while in ETH and received his diploma in 1900, is GPA was 4.6 out of 6.0. Einstein eagerly applied to numerous Universities, looking for an assistantship but was denied to all of them. While looking for a school for higher education, Einstein gave up his German citizenship and applied for a Swiss one instead. He was given Swiss citizenship in 1901. Einstein was desperate for work, for a year he was a teacher at a Technical High School in Winterthur and a private school in Schaffhausen, and soon afterward he moved to the Switzerland capital, Bern . Work was till difficult to find in Switzerland and Einstien found him... ...cation would be the photoelectric sensor which is in almost every department store. Although there are not many practical applications for the theory of relativity there are many uses in the scientific world including black holes and planetary motion. But one day, there might be a way to use relativity for time travel. References: Sites: 1) Josef Kuppet. "Einstien". 2004. 2) Amy Sanogo."Albert Einstein Quotesh".Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter Korper, 2003. 3) American Institute of Physics. "Image Impact".1996. 4) Albert Einstein. 2004 kmhigginson. Books: 5) A. Einstein. Principle of Relativity.1924. "ON THE ELECTRODYNAMICSOF MOVING BODIES". Dover Publications

Thursday, October 24, 2019

How structural and linguistic devices are used to target specific audiences in printed media texts Essay

Different audiences expect and react to different ideas, presentational devices, linguistic devices and so on. For example teenagers may expect bright, vibrant colours and exciting design, whereas older people may look for softer, neutral colours and a more formal design. Of course, these are stereotypical views but the designers of the media texts must make them with a stereotypical view of their audience in mind. In this essay I will look at three different media texts aimed at different groups and explain how they attempt to appeal to these audiences. Firstly I will compare the ideas put forward in the three texts. In the Club 18-30 leaflet the focus is mainly on going out and having fun, in clubs, pubs and on beaches. The Superfamily piece talks about the activities that a family can participate in, such as pool games, quizzes, tennis courts, squash courts and fantasy golf. It also tells the audience about the things done to make a family holiday easier, such as baby care, children’s clubs and so on. The Forever Young brochure focuses on the older generation ands talks about the activities and facilities that they might enjoy, such as tennis, aerobics and golf, cathedrals to visit and conveniences like laundry services, money exchange, spacious bar and sun terraces. Now I will look at the presentational and structural devices in the three texts. In the Club 18-30 text bright, vibrant colours are used such as pink, blue, yellow and red. The title states the target audience straight away making it very obviously eye-catching to the right people. The pictures used are those of people dancing in a club and having fun as this is what most people going on this holiday want to do. This is not a full page advertisement as there is only a very small amount of information wanted; about the clubs, bars, beaches etc. This is all given in a fun, jaunty font with not too much reading needed. The Superfamily brochure is done in red, white and pale yellow. These are soft, welcoming, almost primary colours. This emphasises that this is a family advertisement. There are pictures a families by the pool as well as kids playing and having fun. All the borders are wavy and curved making this feel like a safe place for children and the font is plain. The Forever Young brochure has soft, autumn colours as well as natural blues and greens. Also, the pictures are serene. This is because the average older person wants a calm relaxing holiday. There is a full page layout with plain, simple borders. There are pictures of a cathedral and an empty pool. This helps add to the feeling of calm and relaxing on the holiday. I will next look at the language used in each of the pieces. In the Club 18-30 piece the language used is ‘cool’ and ‘slang’ with misspelled words such as ‘in yer face’. This is to target the younger audience. It is humorous yet with some facts, such as bars, clubs and beaches to visit. There are some opinions such as ‘home to some of Europe’s premier DJs’. It states what the younger audience may worry about when it says that ‘you’ll need a fair bit of wedge’. It also states that there are many things to do ‘on your doorstep’ suggesting great ease, an important factor to youth. The Superfamily brochure uses informal yet informative language, like ‘for the sporty among you’. It is persuasive and serious, giving the reader a lot of reasons why the holiday is right for them. However in doing this it keeps a very friendly and approachable attitude as it wants to appeal to families. It states the many things that they will do to make family life easier, such as baby care and children’s clubs. Forever Young uses formal language as this is what appeals to a lot of the older generation. It is serious and informative, stating plainly what things there are to do and makes them seem calm for example ‘it has a traditional, relaxed feel about it’. This is important as most older people want a relaxing holiday. It is persuasive as it uses opinions about things like ‘prettiest’ and ‘traditional’. Overall I believe it is very important for advertisers to use all means at their disposal to attract the target audience. They must choose the right presentational devices, the right language and the right style in order to convince the target audience to buy their product.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Hitler, the Demise of a Demigod

Hitler, the Demise of a Demigod The will of a single man was powerful enough to alter the course of the world; that Is the story of Doll Hitler. Hitler inspired his people to hope for the betterment yet he himself fell into more and more despair the passage of time. As the First World War left Germany not only devastated but also humiliated, a failure of a painter who also happened to fight in the front lines, felt infuriated and betrayed by the surrender, took it upon himself to set things right. He proved himself to be quite an artist, may be not so much on the canvas as with words.Eloquence being his forte, he climbed up the social ladder rather quickly in the midst of all his struggles. With Doll Hitler becoming more and more synonymous to the Nazi Germany, he led his people to an unprecedented era of prosperity but that came at a price, by straining a certain portion of the population, the Jews. In 1938 Hitler annexed Austria into Germany without firing a single shot; he was the man of the year not for nothing. It Is an Irony how Nazism or National Socialism recognized both capitalism and communism as evil but ended up Itself falling from grace.Along with nationalism and racialism, ideas such as irredentism and expansionism dominated the Nazi ideology. Hitler understood the importance of exploitation colonialism. Thus for Germany he wanted Russia to be what colonial India was to the British Empire. His previous victories against the allies intoxicated his mind, dulled his reasoning. He was slowly but surely losing touch with reality. His decisions were raising the stakes higher and higher. It is to be noted that he did not just believe in racial superiority, he intended to prove it as he tried to do so In the 1936 summer Olympics. Nan Germany's' Justifying of socialDarwinism, survival of the fittest in all life that is struggle made certain factions to go wary of their leader. One thing led to another and there were even attempts of assassination. It was n ot Just a war between the allies and the axis; it was a war between the Ideology of a single man and rest of the world. Pride Goethe before a fall. But even so 50 million to over 75 million fatalities has shown us what man is capable of. After all, God did create man In his own Image. Rather than being pessimistic, It shows capability of both great good as well as evil. Humanity can still be saved, all hope Is yet not lost.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Sk Ii Executive Summary Essays

Sk Ii Executive Summary Essays Sk Ii Executive Summary Essay Sk Ii Executive Summary Essay EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This case examines PG and whether or not it has the ability and means to make SK-II a global brand. Paul de Cesare, President of Max Factor Japan and GLT member of the beauty care GBU, had to recommend one of three alternatives for a global strategy for the SK-II brand: expand into China, build on the brand’s success in Japan, or introduce SK-II to Europe. In doing so, he also had to keep entry strategies for the different markets in mind, and also the organizational change brought about by O2005. e Cesare should recommend the option of growing the SK-II brand in the Japanese market (where it has only 3% share of the $10B beauty market), and introduce the product into major cities of mainland China. In deciding upon which market to enter, two factors are important: 1. The individual country factors must be analyzed and compared with the core competencies of the PG organization. 2. One must understand what the effects of entering new markets will have on the newly created strategic organizational structure of PG under the O2005 plan Overview: The core competencies of SK-II can be replicated easily in the Asian market (Table 1, Appendix, page 6) The European market has different preferences than the Asian market and very different competitive conditions. Market share of SK-II is still low in Asia. The promise of success as shown by large growth in Japan, home to Asia’s most sophisticated beauty product consumers, necessitates that the focus should be on this region. However, with the new organizational structure of PG supporting the widespread sale of its successful products, an attempt at entry into the European/ UK market might provide clues of expansion into other Western markets. SK-II: Sources of Success Well researched and developed product, provides the multi-step process desired in the sophisticated beauty product market of Japan Service at the counter is strong, leading to customer loyalty

Monday, October 21, 2019

Understanding Splinter Words in English Grammar

Understanding Splinter Words in English Grammar In  the branch of linguistics known as morphology, a splinter is defined as a fragment of a word used in the formation of new words. Examples of splinters include  -tarian  and -terian (from vegetarian, as in the coinages eggitarian,  fisheterian, and meatatarian)  and -holic (shopaholic, chocoholic, textaholic, foodaholic). The splinter is formally identical to a clipping, but whereas clippings function as full words, splinters do not (Concise Encyclopedia of Semantics, 2009). The morphological term splinter was  coined by linguist J.M. Berman in Contribution on Blending in  Zeitschrift fà ¼r Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 1961. Examples and Observations English has lots of splinters, among them tastic, as in funktastic or fishtastic, which is used to form mostly ironic words meaning excellent or great in reference to X, originally from fantastic, or licious, as in bagelicious or bootielicious, which is used to form words meaning appealing in reference to X, originally from the word delicious. The difference between a splinter and a true suffix is that speakers understand splinters  in relation to the original word from which the ending splits off. If these bits survive and continue to give rise to new forms, though, they might someday be real suffixes!(Rochelle Lieber,  Introducing Morphology, 2nd ed. Cambridge University Press, 2016)Blends, unlike regular compounds, are . . . based on analogy rather than on rules. For instance, the occurrence of the splinter -licious (from delicious) in beaulicious and bootylicious has attracted some new coinages: e.g. Girlicious (a musical lady trio), Kittylicious (referring to Hello Kitty mov ies), and Lehrers (2007) jocular blendalicious.(Elisa Mattiello, Extra-Grammatical Morphology in English: Abbreviations, Blends, Reduplicatives, and Related  Phenomena. Walter de Gruyter, 2013) What Happens to SplintersSplinters arise through the process of blending . . .. Thus, -nomics in Thatchernomics is a splinter, recurring in Reaganomics, Rogernomics, Nixonomics, etc.Splinters may have any one of three possible fates. They may disappear. I suspect that this is what has happened to -teria (a splinter from cafeteria which had a brief flourishing in words like washeteria but now seem to have become unavailable). They may become productive affixes. This appears to be what has happened with -nomics, cited above, although it is of very low productivity. They may become independent words. This is what has happened to burger, originally a reanalysis from hamburger which shows up in beefburger and cheeseburger.Since splinters may turn into affixes or words, we appear to have a situation where it is not clear whether new forms using the splinter will be derivatives or compounds. The -scape which emerged from landscape might be a case in point, though the Oxford English Dictiona ry lists so many instances of its being used independently that there can be little doubt as to its status as a word now. On the other hand, if we believe the Oxford English Dictionary, -cade (from cavalcade into motorcade) has become an affix.(Laurie Bauer, The Borderline Between Derivation and Compounding, in Morphology and Its Demarcations, ed. by Wolfgang U. Dressler. John Benjamins, 2005) Splinters in Blends[Blends] may be composed of two elements called splinters (ballute from balloon and parachute), or only one element is a splinter and the other element is a full word (escalift from escalator and lift, needcessity from need and necessity). . . . A special punning effect is achieved when one constituent echoes in some way the word or word-fragment it replaces, for example, foolosopher echoing philosopher, or fakesimile, echoing facsimile.(Pavol Ã…  tekauer, English Word-Formation: A History of Research, 1960-1995. Narr, 2000)

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Addiction for Plastic Surgeries Essay Example for Free

Addiction for Plastic Surgeries Essay ? Plastic surgery is a medical field that deals with reshaping some body deformities that may have occurred due to birth defects or accidents. It is also used for other purposes such as treating diseases and beauty purposes. An example of a disease which can be treated through plastic surgery is melanoma. If plastic surgery is carried out for younger looks or beauty purposes, it is referred to as cosmetic surgery. This paper will directly address the issue of cosmetic surgery since it is what has caused plastic surgeries addiction all over the world. Cosmetic surgeries are never related to any medical condition and are normally done to enhance the physical appearance of an individual. Cosmetic surgery addicts are easily identifiable due to the numerous surgeries they undergo each time claiming that they are not happy with their looks. Many victims of cosmetic surgery suffer from a medical condition known as Body Dimorphic Disorder (BDD). This mental disorder has made people imagine that they look different from others and there is a need for surgery so that they can improve their looks. Discussion Cosmetic surgery is a major problem today as a number of people who are addicted to it are doing it repeatedly in order to achieve their imaginary beauty. This practice is becoming frequent and in many instances it is affecting women as they try to change and improve their physical appearances. The problem with such kind of people only exists in their mind because it is hard to view yourself as being ugly from others, it is only a perception. If you view yourself as being ugly from others, the problem will never end even if you undergo so many plastic surgeries. This perception will directly influence the level of your happiness and accepting yourself the way you are. The practices of undergoing plastic surgery repeatedly in order to feel happy and look like the ones you view as more beautiful than yourself is what doctors refer to as BDD. This condition normally affects both male and females under the age of 18 equally (Gorbis, 2003). People suffering from BDD use plastic surgery as a solution to their unending dissatisfaction with their body physical appearance (Gorbis, 2003). Almost all people who suffer from BDD seek solution to cosmetic surgery. As a surgeon, you should be able to discover someone suffering from this medical condition and recommend him/her to a psychologist. Any invention has both positive and negative sides but plastic surgery addiction would cause more harm to the body compared to the benefits associated with it. For instance, it can damage the skin and muscle tissue of an individual permanently. Another well-known harm caused by plastic surgery addiction is the permanent nerve damage. This may result to permanent loss of feeling and sensation in all the affected areas of an individual who have undergone plastic surgery repeatedly. Many individuals who undergo plastic surgery repeatedly to perfect their physical appearances in most cases end up with irreversible damage that make them look awful compared to their original appearances. Plastic surgery addiction cause more harm to the physical appearance of people with BDD instead of enhancing it. People suffering from BDD undergo plastic surgery so that they can attract attention from the public. They later regret when things go wrong. This is an indication that it should be discouraged and people suffering from BDD should be referred to a Psychiatrist or psychologist instead of a surgeon. Plastic surgery is not cost friendly at all. The operation is very expensive and its outcomes are sometimes not worth the price. What the addicted victims fail to understand is that, plastic surgery operation can only result to two things. That is, a great success or a failure. This means that, the more operations you undergo, the higher the risk of failure (Pruitt, 2009). Many individuals who are addicted to plastic surgery are attracted by what they see in the media. They watch successful surgeries of famous celebrities and think that it might as well work on. This is not usually the case and the individuals we watch on the media having successful surgeries sometimes develop problems at a later date. Plastic surgery addiction is very different from drugs and other things addiction in that it fulfills people physiological needs. Therefore, it is normally difficult for individuals who are not satisfied with their physical appearance to stop plastic surgery. This is something they are viewing in the mirror now and then. If they are not satisfied with what they see, they will definitely run to a surgeon so that the body part they feel is not well placed can be rectified. The problem with such an individual is that he/she is likely not to be satisfied with many body parts. Thus, resulting to a series of plastic surgeries so as to be satisfied with his/her physical appearance. In my opinion, I would only recommend plastic surgery to individuals who have a medical problem. I would never encourage cosmetic surgery because it is doing more harm than enhancing appearance of individuals who are undertaking it. Most people who are addicted to cosmetic surgeries perceive themselves in the wrong manner. They normally have their imaginary images on their minds which they think they can turn to after the operation. This normally does not happen and that is why they undergo so many operations before they realize they are destroying their images. Plastic surgery should only be carried out under medical conditions not for pleasure. Pictures are all over the internet showing how plastic surgery addiction has caused a number of celebrities to lose their good looks. Cosmetic surgery is not good at all because it has not worked well for people who have done it. They are suffering from negative impacts of plastic surgery addiction. It should be therefore be discouraged unless under medical conditions. Conclusion Plastic surgery is not bad if it is used for solving a medical condition. However, having a plastic surgery for beauty purposes or look young should be discouraged by all means. It should be discouraged because it might possibly lead to addiction. Physicians as well as public awareness concerning BDD should be increased to control the unnecessary plastic surgeries. Doctors should also try their best to identify troubled patients so that they can direct them to psychologist or psychiatrist who can advise them. There are other treatments other than surgeries which can help people who have problems with their physical appearance. Psychologist and psychiatrists can really assist individuals with plastic surgeries addiction. The only problem to the control of this addiction is that cosmetic and plastic surgery is so accessible and doctors have not provided a regulation on the number of surgeries an individual should undergo in a given period. Addiction for Plastic Surgeries. (2016, Nov 13).

Friday, October 18, 2019

Coffee Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Coffee - Essay Example Coffee has both negative and positive effects on our health and social well-being. Due to dependency of smoking and other drugs coffee was found to have a major association between its consumption and mortality rate. In addition to that, Boyle cautions that coffee causes blood pressure fluctuations and has adverse effects on lipids (119). Ethnographers recorded its usefulness in psychological healing by observing female Bosnian immigrants in Chicago. These women engaged in recollection of memories and socialized over a cup of coffee. Modern world was shaped by coffee, whose use led to the creation of public space: coffee houses, meetings and enhanced intellectual and physical vigor paved way for industrialization. Coffee production requires labor and tropical land. Coffee spread across the globe due to colonization. As a result, coffee spread to countries such as Indonesia, where the colonized served as cheap labor, and land was abundant. Today coffee is the second most traded commodity, with yearly revenue of over $15 billion. Around 26 million farmers globally produce each year mostly coffee Arabica. Rearing of coffee plants is environmental friendly, since coffee trees coexist with other plants and animals. Tropical areas harbor wildlife, whose species can at times only be found in these areas. However, there are insufficient areas covered by these plantations to offer a large enough habitat to the endangered species such as the ocelot. As a result, some organizations support these farmers through labels, i.e. produced in shade, distinguishing them from other producers who do not protect wildlife. Coffee promotes economic development to a large extent. For instance, Nicaraguan farmers for the first time in 1976 sold fair trade coffee in the United States: coffee bought directly from the farmers. For many Nicaraguan farmers coffee not only

Myths and Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Myths and Theories - Essay Example This myth also tries to discourage being lazy. Structural myths were patterned after human mind and the nature of human being. They show both sides of the human mind; the bad side and the good side. Structural myths also depict the divided self and the duality of human being nature. Psychological myths are based on human emotions that come from human unconscious mind. Cultures in the world had similar questions, fears, and wishes that were unexplainable to them. Ritual theories are based on the idea that all myths are ritual. Any myth derives from a ritual, or is at least closely associated with a ritual. From my analysis, Rational Myth theory is most helpful in understanding the meaning and function of myths in different religions. This is because different religions have different believes and in this theory we can see the god and goddesses are the main forces. From the given two case studies of the myths, the Enuma Elish and the Moses story from the Bible, the rational myth theory could be applied on the issue of creation and birth of Moses respectively. It appears that man created myths with reasons. Some of such reasons include explaining the natural events and forces, explaining the unknown, to show the duality and pureness of human mind and human nature, and help societies in maintain order and remain stable. But there must be more reasons of exactly why myths should have

The management challenges posed by the emergence of e-commerce Essay

The management challenges posed by the emergence of e-commerce - Essay Example Some of the most common examples are as follows: online buying, selling or investing; share business; electronic marketplaces like or online auctions like; e-bookstores and e-grocers; web-based reservation systems and ticket purchasing; electronic data interchange or marketing email and message postings on web-logs; music and video downloads; online discussion boards and learning facilities; open source projects; online banking or the electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, etc. Today, as each one of us knows technology is breaking through geographical barriers and distance, integrating the whole world into an interconnected village. The term global village is a commonly used metaphor to describe the mass media particularly the Internet and World Wide Web. This is only possible because of the inter-connectivity which is brought about by e-commerce. The Internet globalises communication by providing opportunity to people from around the world to connect with each other. Likewise, web-connected computers enable people to link their web sites together (, 2008). An innovative medium of Internet has connected the whole world very closely. A person in America writes a mail and in less than a minute it reaches to someone in China. Similarly chats and web cam has made it possible to see people on the other side of the world and talk as if you were sitting next to each other (Sanchania, 2005). It took only a few years for these technological innovations spread across the world. Anyone having access to internet can communicate, shop, and even use internet banking system. The new world of internet provides information on anything to anyone who has access to a computer and a telephone. People can see each other, chat and talk as if they are physically present. As far as communication and the dissemination of information is

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Accounting Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Accounting - Research Paper Example It is however important to understand that accounting is not a very easy subject to gain complete insight upon. It is usually seen as a very difficult trade to learn and get one’s complete understanding is related with his respective interest levels. Essentially, accounting is the art of properly detailing the financial information related with different business entities to varied stakeholders as well as managers (Cookingham 1989). The role of top management is also important as it comprehends the true meaning of accounting through the figures and statistics that are reached upon by the accountants. The hard work that goes in, in the wake of drawing up accounting ledgers and balance sheets is something that paves the way for financial success of organizations worldwide. Accounting comes about with a proper know-how of the financial statements which show how money was used in terms of the recession, uplift or any other form of economic season. The resources employed by the organization are also given proper emphasis within the accounting regimes thus suggesting that accounting is directly proportional to the efforts made by the management domains (Nichols 2004). In essence, accounting has a role within the entire organization as different business entities depend on this field of business for the long term growth and development of the organization. Moving ahead with the same discussion on accounting, one finds that there have been changes to this field of study of late as well. There have been incremental changes as well as wholesale ones, but the fact has remained that accounting has retained its place for quite a long period of time now. This will continue to be the case in the times to come as well since accounting has a definitive place within the understanding levels of business entities as well as the

PMAN Communication plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

PMAN Communication plan - Essay Example This project communication plan will offer us an appropriate way for managing and controlling the flow of the communication and information inside and outside the corporation. In addition, by creating an efficient communication strategy we can enhance the project’s working efficiency. The basic aim of this communication plan is to run the project efficiently since it will offer a much better working and collaborative environment. The basic need is to establish a better inter and intra communication platform for the communication between project sponsor and project staff. The manager of the new ZolastinexÂÂ ® project desires to establish a communication structure that is less expensive and more effective in handling, controlling and managing the project. The communication is desired to control useful resources handling, mentoring progress, running project tasks, resources deployment, staff management and management decision making. The basic strategy is to establish a secure communication environment that is capable to transfer the entire business data and information all through the desired areas of corporation and project management staff. In this project we need to establish an efficient communication method for all the project stakeholders and handlers. In this scenario we need to take following actions to effectively handle the communication among all the project stakeholders. In this project we will use the following communication/ dissemination

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Self-Projection Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Self-Projection Project - Essay Example This has helped me explore a deeper side of myself that I never knew was possible. It has helped me see how others view myself, and that is one of the most valuable lessons that I take away from this. I tend to think that I know myself well. I have a very good sense of self. I know what I am good at and what needs improvement. I am constantly making self-improvements. To a certain extent, I really motivate others, and it has been shown through the interviews that I have garnered from friends, family, and colleagues, that I excel in almost anything I do. I guess one might say that I am a very high-strung (at times) individual, but that I make sure to keep all of my commitments. I have several hard and soft skills which I feel will serve me well in the future. One of my best assets is my leadership. I have good leadership skills which set me apart from the crowd. I also have amazing public speaking skills and can dazzle a crowd with my linguistic stylings. Really, it depends upon the p articular audience, but I know how to adapt myself to almost any setting and it shows. I am somewhat of an extroverted person; I enjoy making new friends and acquaintances, and am somewhat of a socially motivated person in that sense. I don’t pull any punches and am very honest with people about what I expect of them and how I expect to be treated in return. Another great feature I like about myself is that I have been able to use my outgoing nature to win friends, make money, and influence people. Meeting new people and seeing the world is part of what makes me who I am today. I have a real zest for life and believe you shouldn’t take life for granted. So, I eat life for breakfast, and I don’t mean the cereal! (Lol.) It is totally possible to learn something new from anyone that I meet and therefore, in business as well as in my leisure time, I always make sure to develop a solid list of contacts and social networks, since social networking is the wave of the f uture. I know that I can count on my friends and family to be there for me when things get difficult. Something else about me is that I am a very positive person. This has served me well in the past, as I definitely believe in karma and the phrase, â€Å"What goes around comes back around† (Janin, 2004, pp. 152). Like Anne Frank, I believe in the general goodness inherent in people. Everyone should be able to help everyone else out. Currently, one of the books I am reading is very inspiring. It’s called Viktor Frankl’s book Man’s Search for Meaning. It talked about how Frankl survived Auschwitz, one of the worst concentration camps, by using logotherapy—also known as talk therapy. Frankl talks about the importance of prisoners to maintain their human dignity in the face of conditions that were worse than inhumane. I am the sort of person who likes solving problems, yet at the same time, I don’t have patience for things like crossword puzzles and so forth. I enjoy challenges, but sometimes I admit I can be a bit intellectually lazy, not fully taxing my mental capacities to their hilt because I am reserving brainpower for truly important and difficult tasks. I don’t like to use my energy unnecessarily; therefore, I keep a very tight rein on my time and how I control it. I always make sure that I know who I am going to be spending time with and what I should do to manage this time. My ability to tackle challenges, combined with the fact that I am a positive person, helps me to avoid bad situations and difficult people. This is part of what breeds success in my life and in my living environment. About me, I am definitely a team player, which has always been a strength of

PMAN Communication plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

PMAN Communication plan - Essay Example This project communication plan will offer us an appropriate way for managing and controlling the flow of the communication and information inside and outside the corporation. In addition, by creating an efficient communication strategy we can enhance the project’s working efficiency. The basic aim of this communication plan is to run the project efficiently since it will offer a much better working and collaborative environment. The basic need is to establish a better inter and intra communication platform for the communication between project sponsor and project staff. The manager of the new ZolastinexÂÂ ® project desires to establish a communication structure that is less expensive and more effective in handling, controlling and managing the project. The communication is desired to control useful resources handling, mentoring progress, running project tasks, resources deployment, staff management and management decision making. The basic strategy is to establish a secure communication environment that is capable to transfer the entire business data and information all through the desired areas of corporation and project management staff. In this project we need to establish an efficient communication method for all the project stakeholders and handlers. In this scenario we need to take following actions to effectively handle the communication among all the project stakeholders. In this project we will use the following communication/ dissemination

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Beowul, Hygelac & Hrothgar Essay Example for Free

Beowul, Hygelac Hrothgar Essay The Anglo-Saxon poem Beowulf contains accounts of several powerful men, the three most important ones being Beowulf, Hrothgar and Hygelac. Hygelac, king of the Geats, is Beowulf’s uncle. Beowulf is, therefore, both Hygelac’s nephew and his thane. He comes to aid Hrothgar, king of Denmark, when the latter is experiencing difficulties that have the power to destroy his kingdom: the monster Grendel has been attacking Hrothgar’s mead-hall Heorot regularly for a long time, and Beowulf is the only man who can put an end to this misery. In many ways, these three old English heroes are similar in character, both in their earlier years and when they have grown old. One thing the gentlemen have in common is the fact that they were all brave warriors when they were young. Hrothgar only became king after his bravery in battle had been established: â€Å"The fortunes of war favored Hrothgar. Friends and kinsmen flocked to his ranks†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (line 64-5). Hygelac is described as a â€Å"battle-famed king† (l. 2190), indicating that he too had to obtain renown in battle before being allowed to rule the Geats. Beowulf also had a share in victorious battles. Before he sailed to Denmark, he had already fought many a time. â€Å"‘(†¦) I am Hygelac’s kinsman, one of his hall-troop. When I was younger, I had great triumphs.’† (l. 406-9). His real fame, however, came with his defeating Grendel and subsequently the latter’s mother. â€Å"‘(†¦) Beowulf, my friend, your fame has gone far and wide, you are known everywhere.’† (l. 1699-1705). Another shared characteristic is their self-confidence, which is depicted in descriptive passages about how they made their way in battle: they were fearless and relied wholly on their own strength. For example, Beowulf is at one point described as â€Å"the sure-footed fighter† (l. 1543), indicating that he believes himself to be equal to the challenge he faces. This self-reliance has much to do with their pride: they were all proud men. This is shown, for example, during Beowulf’s boasts in the mead-hall. â€Å"(†¦) Beowulf, that prince of goodness, proudly asserted: ‘When it comes to fighting, I count myself as dangerous any day as Grendel.’† (l. 675-8). The aspect of self-confidence is entwined with the fact that they were very loyal warriors as well. In order to come across truly loyal and honourable, men had to depict an image of themselves that would live up to expectations. In short, they had to boast, make good on those boasts, follow their lords anywhere and anytime and be familiar with the required courtesies of the time. Although it is not literally stated in the text that Hrothgar and Hygelac were faithful thanes, it may be inferred from the descriptions of their loyal character when they are kings. That is to say, it seems the three men do not change much when they become kings, so it may be assumed that they were loyal both when they were young and when they were older. Next to being faithful to either their lords or their thanes, they were also faithful to God. Some characteristics reveal that they have not abandoned pagan morale altogether: â€Å"Hygelac’s kinsman kept thinking about his name and fame: he never lost his heart.† (l. 1529-30). The importance of winning glory in battle is associated with pagans. However, on the whole the three kings can be said to be Christians. â€Å"’And may the Divine Lord in His wisdom grant the glory of victory to whichever side He sees fit.’† (l. 685-7). Apart from having been warriors, they have all been kings as well. Moreover, they were very similar kings: all three men were good and loyal rulers. â€Å"’Hygelac may be young to rule a nation, but this much is known about the king of the Geats: he will come to my aid and want to support me by word and action in your hour of need, when honor dictates that I raise a hedge of spears around you.’† (l. 1830-5). As Beowulf states, Hygelac would aid him in any way he could because he is such a devoted lord. Also, the kings were very generous. â€Å"(†¦) Hrothgar’s generosity was praised repeatedly.† (l. 1884-5). It was very important for a king to reward his thanes properly, and Hrothgar, Hygelac and Beowulf are all very open-handed. Furthermore, all kings are described as being perfectly capable of ruling their kingdom. Even when, for example, Hrothgar seems unable to control the chaos Grendel created, it is said that â€Å"(†¦) there was no laying of blame on their lord, the noble Hrothgar; he was a good king.† (l. 861-2). To conclude, Hrothgar, Hygelac and Beowulf are very similar characters. Both as warriors and as kings many parallels can be found. The main characteristics they share are loyalty, bravery, pride and their belief in Christianity. Their reputations are well established, both in the story and outside of it: in the mainly fictive world of the poem, their names will not be forgotten, but readers of the poem nowadays will remember them just as well.

Monday, October 14, 2019

J Js Fish and Chips Business Plan

J Js Fish and Chips Business Plan 1.0 Vision To become one of the fastest take away fish and chips restaurants providing customers with the most fresh, tasty and high quality products. 1.1 Mission Statement J Js Fish and Chips will be an inspiring restaurant with a great atmosphere, with a fresh and high quality sea food selection and superior service. We are dedicated to employee welfare and training. The employees of J Js fish and chips restaurant will be treated fairly and with respect as they are part of the success of the business. J Js Fish and chips will be an inexpensive experience for all our customers that will inspire customers to return in the future. The fish and chip restaurant will provide customers with a reasonably priced yet at the same time high quality food range. 1.2 Business core values When making decisions consider how will it impact on the lives of your customers and stake holders. Commitment in having high quality products and services at all times and maintaining consistency Being efficient in your productivity example reducing wastage Inspiring and motivating employees to do their best and implementing a reward system as an incentive. Encourage creativity and new ideas and celebrating small success to achieve big in the future Encouraging respect for each other and increasing teamwork and growth Implement the awareness of healthy eating 1.3 Distinctive Competencies Fast, fresh and high quality seafood that will have a wide range of selections in terms of different seafood types. Highly experienced manager in hospitality industry providing quality products and services Specialising only with seafood Supporting and endorsing healthy choices Quick and reliable service in attending to customer orders in an efficient and effective manner Providing a healthy alternative for your customers 1.4 Competitive strategy and goals: 1.5 Broad business strategies Existing and serving in the current market and expand in the next five years. Prevent misleading conduct and behaviour Proactive and more friendly staff Increase market share Satisfying customer needs 1.6 Broad business objectives 1. Having a revenue 30% higher than Cost of Goods Sold and a profit of at least 15-20% by 2013 2. remaining consistent in proving high quality products and services by focusing and improving strategy. 3. Create and maintain good customer relationship by always keeping customers satisfied through reducing waiting time on food orders. 4. Expanding and promoting J Js Fish and chips by implementing continuous improvements 5. Expanding your advertising and marketing thus sales by 10% each year continually for the first 5 years. 1.7 Description of idea/product The product range that will be offered will mainly consist of fish and chips. It is recommended that you offer at least 5 different types of seafood to satisfy different customer needs, regardless of the seafood type the customer chooses it will come with a serving of hot chips. The fish and chips will be 100% fresh as they are ordered daily and cooked as requested. The meals will be offered at different portions depending on the needs of the customer. As a part of the meal customers will be offered a range of sauces to accompany their meals these include; tartae sauce, chilli, barbeque sauce and tomato sauce. All products are 100% fresh and are supplied by local certified suppliers. The business main focus is customer satisfaction by providing fresh and tasty fish and chips with a reasonable price. 1.8Competitive advantage: Providing fresh, healthy and tasty products as it is ordered on a daily basis Offering a wide variety of healthy options example salad or grilled fish Price competitiveness compared to market industry Prime location as it is in the centre of Fairfield Providing quality service by putting customers needs first Providing highly competent employees by providing them with training on a regular basis Providing an aesthetically pleasing environment (Please refer to operations appendix) 1.9 Your main competitors After undertaking extensive primary and secondary research it was concluded that your main competitors were in the proximity of Fairfield shopping centre. (Please refer to group appendix 4.3). The products offered by your competitors are fairly different in comparison to what J Js Fish and chips will be offering however pricing strategy is very similar except that J Js fish and chips is portionally lower compared to the competitive prices. (Please refer to group appendix 4.1 and 4.2) 2.0 Economic, social, political, legal and technological environment 2.1 Legal Structure and Ownership We recommend that you operate as a sole trader, when identifying which business structure would best suit your situation, when considering which legal structure you should use the following where measured and reflected Advantage Start-up costs Control of business operations Disadvantage Unlimited liability Death of owner may result in ceasing the business 2.2 Barriers to entry A barrier to entry is where a new business is restricted in entering the industry due increase in competition. Competitors will reduce profitability for the existing entities as a result of gaining market share. The barriers to entry for the hospitality industry are lower compared to other industries (D.Bowie and F.Buttle 2004). Some of the barriers to entry are: the threat of new entrants, the threat of substitutes, Capital requirement, (Please refer to group appendix 5.1) 2.3Licences, permits, standards and compliance As rules and regulations develop and expand they will continue to influence the hospitality industry. The standards which your business needs to comply with is the NSW Food Act 2003, which includes ensuring food is safe for sale which is suitable for human utilization, to prevent misleading conduct and to guarantee that application of the Food Standards code. As your business is in the field of the hospitality industry you will be required by the Food Act 2003 to inform and advise the authorities of your food handling activities. If you fail to meet this requirement then a heavy penalty will be enforced. Another important and very crucial Act that needs to be implemented and followed is the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000. This Act is important as it ensures the safety and health of working conditions for the employees and employers; this is done by providing research, education and training in the area of occupational health and safety. (Refer to management) 2.4 Market and industry, size of market, trends, the target market, and consumer behaviour The following trends were found for the hospitality industry for 2003-2004 and 2006-2007. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ According to Australian Bauera of Statistics (ABS) in Australia by the end of 2004 there were 15,083 cafe and restaurant businesses operating. Which included 13286 restaurant and cafes and 1796 catering businesses. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ There were 1.1 million places available for new restaurant and cafe (ABS 2007). à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ By the end of June 2007 the numbers of restaurant and cafe businesses in Australia were 13987. Thus in 3 years period there was a decrease of 7.2% in restaurant and cafe businesses (ABS 2007). à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ In the period of 2003-2004 total income generated by cafe and restaurant businesses were $10129.6m which is on average of $671600 per business in comparison to 2007 statistics of income generated by restaurant and cafe $693700 per business (ABS 2007). à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Most of the cafes and restaurants were small businesses and about 63% having less than ten employees during 2003-2004 (ABS 2007). 2.5 Market There is a global increase in demand of fish and chips restaurants, such as rapid according to Yum 2010 increase in sales at its Pizza Hut and KFC restaurants in china (Yum 2010). U.S same restaurants the sales were up by 1%. McDonalds corporation is also planned to have more than 2000 stores by 2013 in mainland China (Appendix 12.5). As mentioned above the global demand for the fish and chips restaurants are increasing however in Australia there has been 0.6% declined in trend growth in restaurant and cafes as consumers are cut back on discretionary spending and there has been an increase in sales of food in retail sector by 1.8% as consumers are looking for ways to save, thus instate of going to restaurants or cafes they just buy food from retail stores and saves (Isobel Drake 2009). In June 2007 there were 145546 people were employed my restaurants and cafes where as in the year of 2003-2004 there were 15000 employed by restaurants and cafes. There has been a decrease (ABS 2007). Also as mentioned above there has been 7.2% declined in restaurant and cafe businesses in 2007 (Appendix 12.5). 2.6Target Market According to the primary research that was undertaken we came to the conclusion that the main target market for your business would be school and university students between the ages of 11-24, in saying this another age group which you would base your marketing at is business people. We came to this conclusion that students would be highly likely to purchase fish and chips as it is a cheaper alternative and it is something quick to eat. As for business people, the research that was undertaken concluded that 45% of business people would purchase lunch on a daily basis. Also the surveys brought back a result that majority of the business people enjoyed eating fish and chips in comparison to other junk foods, in particular in the area where your business will be operating as there are numerous businesses operating there We undertook primary research and came to the conclusion that families are another market which you should target. Families tend to want to go out together and have a nice lunch or dinner that is not too expensive and to be provided with good customer service and quality food, all of which your business can provide. Therefore we recommend that your target market should be students, business people, and families, we recommend that as you expand your business later on that you will also expand your target market. (Please refer to group Appendix 3.1) 3.0Market Strategy 3.1 Price Price is the final figure that you will be charging your customers for the services provided. It is recommended that the price you charge your customers is a reasonable amount, because if you are overcharging them, they are inclined to go to your competitors. By providing a reasonable price to customers it will give you the opportunity to generate an attractive margin of revenue while at the same time providing value to customers. Thus the price of the products and services that the business will provide will be based on expenses which include variable and fixed expenses and industry average price. (Please refer to appendix 6 for meal prices). Another pricing strategy that you may want to consider in future is implementing regular discounts to encourage customers to return J Js Fish and chips on a systematic basis. It is an imperative to ( 3.2 Promotion Promotion is one of the most important and crucial aspects of the business, it involves transferring all your ideas to your target market. It is important that your customers are informed about the products and services you will offer therefore it is extremely important that you select the correct advertising mechanisms. Based on the research which was undertaken the most efficient and effective advertising mechanisms include Pamphlets Newspaper Website Internet social websites such as Face book These advertising mechanisms are recommended to be used as they are affordable and easy to implement. (Please refer to appendix for advantages operations) ( 3.3 Place Your business will operate in the suburban area of Fairfield, the location of your business can affect the amount of sales generated. Because if you choose to locate your business where the target market is minimal then it is going to be difficult to be able to sell your product and services. The amount of people passing your business is important it is crucial to consider the surroundings near the location of your business. 3.4 Product The product range is mainly fish and chips. There are four types of seafood which comes with chips. So the consumers can choose any types of fish they like and it comes with chips. The fish are 100% fresh as they are ordered daily and fried as it is order. Also chips are 100% fresh and they are also fried as they are ordered. The fish and chips dish come into vary sizes. They are small meals and large fish and chips meals. There are also 3 types of sauce ranging: tomato sauce, chilli sauce and barbecue sauce. There is also the option of buying the chips by itself, which comes in small, medium and large size. All products are 100% fresh and are supplied by local certified suppliers. The business main focus is customer satisfaction by providing fresh and tasty fish and chips with a reasonable price. 3.5 Process Processing refers to the way the business is set up from where the customer orders all the way through to customer delivery. The business system should be set up in a way that has high efficiency and minimum waiting time. Having poorly designed processes can make it difficult for employees to perform well. Procedures need to be put into place to deal with activities such as Customer complaints Serving customers Answering phone calls Being productive and helpful with customers Training employees to use equipment By implementing these processes it will make it easier to function around the working environment. It is important to implement a procedure where you will provide customers with a quick, efficient and effective service as it is highly likely that they dont want their time being wasted waiting. (For customer waiting time please refer to operations) The business should have a system where frontline and staff on the background can do their job in the most efficient way and be able to communicate effectively (refer to operation). 3.6 People: J Js Fish and chips will not be able to operate efficiently and effectively without good employees. Employees will need to provide good service to customers hence employees will need to be able to interact with customers. Your employees are the first who will interact with the customers and therefore it is extremely important that the employees have the skills and knowledge on how to deliver accommodating and supportive customer service. Hence training staff members to be compassionate and respectful when performing their job is an imperative, as it will ensure the success of your business. If you are providing high quality food and high quality customer service it will have a positive effect on your business. A way to improve and to generate pleasant working environment is by encouraging team work between employees and providing incentives to motivate employees to interact within business activities. It is recommended that your business will have at least 4 employees including yourself, hence facilitating the business to manage any amendments that may occur example an employee is ill and cant attend to work. The most significant areas staff may require training will be Using new machinery Communication skills Selling techniques Using new materials and equipment Customer service Using the Point of sale system (POS) (Refer to management section for staff training) 3.7 Physical evidence The way your product and service appears in the market has a big impact on success of the business. People form an opinion about the business from what they observe in the first minute of interaction. The physical appearance of things such as staff presentation, image of the restaurant, presentation of the food and the environment will all impact on the success of the business. As these aspects allow customers to perceive the way your business operates and the quality that your business will offer. J Js Staff members will all wear a certain and unique T-Shirt that will consist of the business logo on the right hand side. This will help to identify the employees of J Js Fish and chips as they will be neatly presented and will uphold a high level of professionalism. Group Appendix: Primary Research Appendix 1: Maximum price willing to pay for certain products: 1.1 The Maximum price Customers willing to spend on hot chips Responses Received 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Total Average Cost Standard Deviation Median Price $ $3.75 $2.50 $1.50 $6.00 $2.80 $7.00 $3.40 $3.60 $4.25 $4.00 $5.00 $4.50 $5.50 $4.00 $3.00 $3.50 $3.65 $3.90 $2.95 $4.00 $5.90 $3.65 $4.95 $2.50 $3.90 $99.70 $3.99 1.23 $3.70 After analysing the market the average price a customer was willing to pay for hot chips was $3.99, the standard deviation of 1.23 and a median of $3.70. Therefore it is recommended that you base your pricing of the hot chips on this information. We advise you to consider the following prices for your servings of hot chips, so that you are catering for all your customer needs. Small: $2.50 Medium: $3.70 Large: $6.00 1.2 The Maximum price customers are willing to spend on a meal of prawns and chips Responses Received 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Total Average Cost Standard Deviation Median Price $ $8.00 $8.50 $7.90 $6.00 $7.50 $6.50 $7.00 $8.00 $8.00 $4.50 $5.00 $5.50 $6.50 $7.50 $9.00 $6.50 $6.50 $7.00 $7.50 $7.00 $6.50 $6.00 $7.90 $8.00 $6.50 $174.80 $6.99 1.09 7.00 After analysing the market the average price a customer was willing to pay for a meal of Prawns and chips is $6.99, the standard deviation of 1.09 and a median 7.00, therefore it is recommended that you base your price on this information provided by the customers. 1.3 The Maximum price Customers willing to spend on scallops and chips Responses Received 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Total Average Cost Standard Deviation Median Price $ $8.00 $9.00 $10.50 $11.00 $6.00 $6.5.0 $7.9.0 $7.5.0 $6.00 $9.50 $9.00 $6.00 $12.00 $11.00 $10.00 $7.00 $8.50 $8.00 $9.00 $6.50 $10.50 $8.00 $8.50 $7.50 $7.90 $211.30 $8.45 1.70 8.25 After analysing the market the average price a customer was willing to pay for a meal of scallops and chips is $8.45, the standard deviation 1.70 and a median 8.25, therefore it is recommended that you base your price on this information. Roughly it is recommended to charge your customers between $7.00-8.50. 1.4 The maximum price customers willing to spend on Scallops 3 piece meal Response received 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Total Average Cost Standard Deviation Median Price$ $5.00 $4.50 $3.00 $6.00 $3.50 $4.00 $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $5.50 $5.00 $3.00 $2.50 $3.00 $3.60 $3.70 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00 $5.50 $6.00 $3.00 $3.50 $2.00 $3.00 $99.30 $3.97 1.10 3.65 After analysing the market the average price a customer was willing to pay for 3 pieces of scallops was $3.97 the standard deviation 1.10 and a median 3.65, therefore it is recommended that you base your price on this information. Roughly it is recommended to charge your customers between $3.00-4.00. 1.5 The maximum price customers willing to spend on grilled fish and chips Response received 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Total Average Cost Standard Deviation Median Price$ $6.50 $7.50 $8.90 $9.00 $5.00 $7.90 $8.00 $8.80 $8.50 $7.90 $9.00 $5.90 $6.95 $7.35 $8.50 $7.30 $8.10 $9.35 $5.95 $6.95 $8.90 $8.10 $9.00 $5.10 $189.45 $7.58 1.35 5.45 After analysing the market the average price a customer was willing to pay for grilled fish and chips was $7.58 the standard deviation 1.35 and a median 5.45, therefore it is recommended that you base your price on this information. Roughly it is recommended to charge your customers between $5.40-6.50. 1.6 The maximum price customers willing to spend on Calamari and chips Response received 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Total Average Cost Standard Deviation Median Price$ $4.50 $3.00 $5.00 $6.80 $8.00 $4.80 $5.20 $3.90 $7.50 $6.50 $6.00 $7.00 $8.00 $8.50 $4.80 $3.80 $7.20 $8.20 $5.00 $4.90 $6.40 $5.60 $4.95 $6.20 $9.10 $150.85 $6.50 1.47 5.00 After analysing the market the average price a customer was willing to pay for Calamari and chips was $6.50 the standard deviation 1.47 and a median 5.00, therefore it is recommended that you base your price on this information. Roughly it is recommended to charge your customers between $6.50-7.60. 1.7 The maximum price customers willing to spend on Calamari and chips Response received 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Total Average Cost Standard Deviation Median Price$ $4.00 $7.00 $6.00 $8.00 $6.50 $9.25 $4.50 $8.00 $6.00 $6.00 $4.00 $7.50 $7.00 $6.50 $8.15 $6.75 $9.00 $8.00 $6.90 $7.00 $6.50 $6.00 $5.50 $7.00 $6.50 $167.55 6.70 1.34 6.00 After analysing the market the average price a customer was willing to pay for fish and chips was $6.70 the standard deviation 1.34 and a median 6.00 therefore it is recommended that you base your price on this information. Roughly it is recommended to charge your customers between $5.95-6.95. 1.8 The maximum price customers willing to spend on Garden salad Response received 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Total Average Cost Standard Deviation Median Price$ $3.50 $4.00 $6.00 $6.50 $4.00 $4.50 $3.50 $3.00 $5.00 $5.50 $3.50 $3.00 $2.00 $7.50 $5.00 $4.00 $3.00 $3.50 $3.90 $3.80 $3.60 $4.00 $4.50 $3.50 $3.50 $103.80 $4.15 1.21 4.00 After analysing the market the average price a customer was willing to pay for salad was $4.15 the standard deviation 1.21 and a median 4.00 therefore it is recommended that you base your price on this information. Roughly it is recommended to charge your customers between $3.00-4.50 1.9 The Maximum price customers willing to spend on fish and salad Response received 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Total Average Cost Standard Deviation Median Price$ $6.50 $5.00 $7.50 $9.00 $4.50 $6.00 $5.00 $8.50 $5.70 $5.95 $8.50 $6.00 $5.00 $5.50 $6.50 $6.50 $9.00 $4.00 $650 $5.00 $5.50 $3.00 $6.50 $3.50 $6.00 $147.15 $5.89 1.50 6.50 After analysing the market the average price a customer was willing to pay for fish and salad was $5.89 the standard deviation 1.50 and a median 6.50 therefore it is recommended that you base your price on this information. Roughly it is recommended to charge your customers between $5.50-6.65. Appendix 2: Primary Research 2.1 Our findings indicate that 65% (29 out of the 45 people surveyed) of your target markets prefer to purchase medium sized hot chips over small or large size. The next choice indicated that 25% (11 people) preferred small size and 10% (5 people) preferred the larger size. 2.2 Our survey results displayed that 70%that out of the 45 participants 70% preferred to drink some sort of a soft drink when eating their meals compared to 30% of participants preferred water with their meals. 2.3 Our findings advocate that 67% of the people that contributed with the survey prefer fish as there most favourite type of seafood followed by scallops and calamari at 15% each, with 3% of the participants didnt like seafood at all. 2.4 Our survey results indicate that 55%, 25 of the people who undertook the survey where not healthy conscious compared to the 45%, 20 of the people surveyed who were health conscious and would prefer a more healthy menu. 2.5 Our findings indicate that 68% of participants were more concerned with the taste of the product and that taste was a major factor that influenced their decisions whilst the other 32% were concerned with the health side of things and that health was the deciding factor for them 2.6 From the people that were surveyed a result came back that 50% of the people would eat fish and chips at least once or twice a week, followed by 25% of people who rarely ate fish and chips, and another 15% who ate fish and chips at least 3-4 times a week with the remaining 10% never eating seafood. 2.7 Our findings advocate that from the participants surveyed that the majority at 60% ate some sort of seafood at least once or twice a week, followed by 11% who occasionally consumed some sort of seafood, another 10% ate seafood on a daily basis which left 9% of people who either ate seafood sometimes or rarely. This meant that there was a remaining 1% that never ate seafood. From this survey it is clearly evident that your business will need to provide a wide range of seafood products. 2.8 The survey results concluded that 85% of the individuals who participated would be happy for a new fish and chips shop to open in the heart of Fairfield which

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Physics of a Kayak (Qayaq) Essay example -- physics kayak kayaking qay

Qayaqs, now known as kyaks, were used by the Yup'ik Eskimos of Southwest Alaska. The Qayaq is a symbol of the Yup'ik culture. It symbolizes the significance of subsistence and using the surrounding resources to survive. This vessel also represents the intelligence and ingenuity of the Yup'ik people developing and designing a water craft that was swift, quiet, and could withstand harsh water turbulence. They were used as a mode of transportation for subsistence hunting and gathering. They were also a symbol of importance in society. " was the basis among men for obtaining wealth and women" (Zimmerly, 40). Wealth was measured on the ammount of goods a man could give away, indicating he was a successful hunter. In turn, because this hunter had a qayaq, he had to be skillful in manuvering the qayaq and hunting which gave him status in the community. This would be equivalent to a man owning his own vehicle and having a good job (Zimmerly, 40). "Each qayaq was outfitted with hunting suppliments to ensure the hunter's success." ( This mode of transportation was very efficient and aventageous while traveling along coast lines and upstream against a current. This style and of sea vessel is known as the Bearing Sea Kyak. Qayaq building was a very time consuming process. There was a ceremony held in the traditional men's house while each of the wooden memebers of the qayaq was cut. Each piece of wood was measured by the size of the owner. "Thus each man's kyak is built according to the specifications of his own body and hence is peruliarly fitted to his use" (Zimmerly, 40). Qayaqs were on average fifteen feet in length. They had wide and deep hulls, the bilges were rounded and slightly fl... ...L/n "As a rule of thumb R ~3000 turbulent flow" Anything in between 2000 and 3000 is unstable and may go back and forth between laminar and turbulent flow. ( Works Cited Alaska Native Heritage Center. Floating Bodies 101. Lincoln, K J. "Qayanek: The Resurrection of a Lost Art." Delta Discovery 13 October 2004. 14+ Serway, Jewett. Physics for Scientists and Engineers 6th Edition. Pomona: California State Polytechnic University. 2004. Visual Physics. Yup'ik Qayaq. Zimmerly, David W. Qayaq: Kayaks of Alaska and Siberia. Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press, 2000.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

IBM DB2 vs Oracle Essay -- essays research papers

For this week’s paper I have chosen to do a comparison between IBM’s DB2 database management system (DBMS) product and Oracle. Realistically, making such a comparison is akin to discussing religion with friends. Each person will have their own biases based on their own experiences. Looking for an unbiased opinion is much like looking for the Holy Grail, every bit as speculative and subjective with the results jaundiced by the outlook of the reporter (Lim, 2002). A decision between DB2 and Oracle should be based on what resources are available for use at the site. Is there specific hardware or software already onsite that can or will be used in the installation, if so this will have a major impact on the decision making process. Does the staff have an existing knowledge base that favors one or the other DBMS and is there a team that has unallocated time to dedicate to this project or will another project be put on hold to allow them to make this project their focus until completion. Finally, have the costs of ongoing maintenance for fixed and soft assets been considered? All of the above will impact the decision making processes prior to purchasing one of the DBMS’s. These factors aside, either DBMS will run as fast as the other provided that the environment has been optimized for it (Lim, 2002). A side by side analysis of the hardware and software requirements for both DBMS’s shows some remarkable similarities as well as some differences. Similarities in baseline processors across the various hardware platforms but different amounts of disk space and both applications desiring as much memory as possible to improve performance (Chigrik, 2003). For DB2 v8.1 when installed into a windows environment you will need a minimum of a Pentium or Pentium compatible processor, at least 256mb of ram, and between 100 and 350mb of hard disk space depending on whether the installation is compact, custom, or typical. Depending of the file format of the disk drives additional space may be needed by DB2 because of cluster sizes (Chigrik, 2003). Oracle 9i on the other hand requires a minimum of 128b of ram in a windows environment, although 256mb is recommended. Oracle also requires a minimum of 200mb of virtual memory for file swap space. In terms of processors, Oracle specifies a minimum of a Pentium 166 or higher. Oracle also needs 140mb of disk space on the system drive an... ... block indexes. IBM DB2 has higher limits in most of the common database features except most columns in an index key, longest index key, max char() size, max table row length, longest SQL statement, and recursive sub queries (Chigrik, 2003). In the end there is no clear cut winner, as stated previously, a lot of the outcome is determined by the experience of the developer of the database and the administrator of the database. Both DBMSs can be used to build stable and efficient transaction processing systems, with the level of experience of the personnel working with the system having a greater impact on performance, than the vendor supplying the DBMS (Chigrik, 2003). References Chigrik, A. (2003). Oracle 9i Database vs DB2 v8.1. Retrieved May 11, 2005, from MSSQL City Web site: Lim, C. (2002). Oracle vs DB2 vs Teradata. Retrieved May. 11, 2005, from Web site: Transaction Processing Performance Council, (2005). Retrieved May. 11, 2005, from Top Ten TPC-C by Performance Version 5 Results Web site: