Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Aviation Security The Security Threat, Securing...

Security is one of the most important departments in aviation. Without security in aviation it would be extremely vulnerable to threat, harm and accidents to passengers, employees and aircrafts. Aviation has been threatened for decades now. From bombings and hijackings since the 1960s to the recent bombing in Brussels. It wasn’t until 9/11 when America knew there was a big gap in the security infrastructure in aviation. So what exactly is aviation security? Aviation Security is techniques and methods used for protecting passengers, employees and aircraft from harm, danger and other possible threats. A lot has been learned from prior accidents and trying to prevent further accidents is a challenge in aviation security. There are several challenges in aviation security that I will discuss in this paper. The challenges in aviation security are identify the security threat, securing perimeter, and The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) screening related to passenger flow. I will also discuss possible solutions to each challenge that may be used in the future of aviation. Security could vary from place to place, so in this paper I will discuss the challenges within in the United States. Threats The biggest challenge in aviation security is identify the threat. It is challenging because if you cannot identify the threat you cannot prevent or resolve it. Trying to identify the threat is also a challenge because of emerging techniques and strategies used byShow MoreRelated Airport Security and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA)2719 Words   |  11 PagesThrough the history of aviation the importance of airport security has steadily increased. Since the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, many changes have taken place at airports to prevent such an attack from occurring again. The purpose of this paper is to: outline airport security procedures, discuss the different technologies involved with airport security, as well as examine the components of airport security. In addition I will also discuss the Transportation Security Administration’s roleRead MoreAirport Security Essay 82808 Words   |  12 PagesRunning head: Airport Security David A. Fowler Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Abstract Through the history of aviation the importance of airport security has steadily increased. Since the disastrous terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, many changes have taken place at airports to prevent such an attack from occurring again. The purpose of this paper is to: outline airport security procedures, discuss the different technologies involved with airport security, as well as examine theRead MoreThe Security Of Rail Transportation1609 Words   |  7 PagesThe security of rail transportation in the United States Rail Security falls into two categories, namely, passenger rail and freight rail. Passenger rail together with the mass transit is among the transportation subsector networks that provide numerous means of transportation from access points to end destinations connecting to other modes of transportation (Department of Homeland Security, 2007). While Freight railroads are key element of the nation’s transportation system that comprises of over

Monday, December 16, 2019

The Rugmaker of Mazar-E-Sharif Free Essays

Mazari has been through all sorts of conflict throughout his lifetime from where he was a young boy minding sheep in Afghanistan to opening an authentic rug store in Australia. He first had a major loss happen to him when he was a young boy and his father was killed. This was a traumatic time for his family and there was a conflict within his family. We will write a custom essay sample on The Rugmaker of Mazar-E-Sharif or any similar topic only for you Order Now When his father died, Najaf was forced to take on new responsibilities within the family and everyone had to do their part. When he was a young teenager his house was hit by a rocket causing major damage to his leg. His leg took over 6 months to heal properly and he was finding it difficult to cope in this time as he saw himself as a burden on his family which was a personal conflict. He has faced various conflicts during his time at Woomera detention centre, one of which was a religious conflict. Certain people could not talk to other people because of their religion. This made a somewhat difficult experience in his life even more difficult as he was continuously having trouble with other people because they believed in different gods. Finally when he was released and working freely in Australia he had conflicts at his work places. One of which was when he worked for a lady who was too demanding on him and he could not work to her expectations with him. This was a cultural conflict as he was not used to working under her conditions. How to cite The Rugmaker of Mazar-E-Sharif, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Broken Spears Essay Research Paper Broken SpearsAround free essay sample

Broken Spears Essay, Research Paper Broken Spears Around 1519, a Spaniard by the name of Hernan Cortes sailed to what we now know as modern twenty-four hours Mexico. Diego Velazques, governor of Cuba, instructed Cortes to do contact with the New World. What was supposed to be an guiltless journey of geographic expedition and trading, became a hideous race murder of the Aztecs of the New World. Cortes was a violent, manipulative, and a greedy adult male. To give you an thought of the force Cortes and his work forces were capable of perpetrating, I would wish to associate a transition of a Nahautl history, from the book by Miguel Leon-Portilla, Broken Spears: They ran in among the terpsichoreans, coercing their manner to where the membranophones played. They attacked the adult male who was beating and cut off his weaponries. Then they cut off his caput, and it rolled across the floor. They attacked all the celebrators, knifing them, spearing them, striking them with their blades. They attacked some of the from buttocks, and these fell immediately to the land with their visceras hanging out. Others they beheaded: they cut off their caputs, or divide their caputs to pieces. They struck others in the shoulders, and their weaponries were torn from their organic structures. They wounded some in the thigh and some in the calf. They slashed others in the venters, and their visceras all spilled to the land. Some attempted to run off but their bowels dragged as they ran ; they seemed to embroil their pess in their ain visceras. ( twenty-six ) The old transition took topographic point during the Fiesta of Toxcatl. Although Cortes was non present at this clip, I believe the actions of his work forces were a direct contemplation of Cortes thirst for force. I besides came across different parts in the book where it described how Cortes and the Spaniards would hang, anguish, and provender people to their Canis familiariss. Cortes was besides involved in the violent death of unarmed people in Cholula. Cortes would utilize any agencies necessary to suppress the Aztecs and rob them of their gold. Cortes most likely was a violent adult male due to the fact that he came from a classical influenced society that was violent by nature. An illustration of the force in this society was the type of athleticss and amusement they used to bask, such as human and carnal combat. Most of the clip the also-ran of the battle would pay with their life. I think Cortes was a manipulative adult male every bit good. In the book it describes how he was able to derive Alliess such as the Tlaxcaltecas and increase the size of his ground forces. Cortes besides was able to do great fright and confusion by the usage of his arms, Canis familiariss, and Equus caballuss. The native ous people had yet to see any of these types of arms and animate beings. A good illustration of merely how manipulative Cortes was takes topographic point when Motecuhzoma meets him for the first clip. Motecuhzoma believed Cortes was their god Quetzalcoatl returning to claim his imperium. After Motecuhzoma tells Cortes how happy he is for returning to his people, Cortes answers: Tell Motecuhzoma that we are his friends. There is nil to fear. We have wanted to see him for a long clip, and now we have seen his face and heard his words. Tell him that we love him good and that are Black Marias are contented. Then he said to Motecuhzoma: We have come to your house in Mexico as friends. There is nil to fear. La malinche translated this address and the Spaniards grasped Motecuhzoma s custodies and patted his dorsum to demo their fondness for him. ( 65 ) Little did Motecuhzoma cognize the great grief his people would subsequently come to digest. Another trait of Cortes was that he was a avaricious adult male. All the blood that was spilled was in the hunt for gold. Cortes would hold liked one to believe that this senseless slaughter occurred in the name of the Lord, to distribute Christianity. Cortes s true motivation was the ictus of gold for his ain personal addition. Any gilded point that was seized was melted down in order to transport every bit much as possible. All the Aztec adult females would be searched under their vesture for gold. Cortezs and the Spaniards would even travel so far as to demand gold that was lost by the Spaniards when they retreated from the Canal of the Toltecs. A good portraiture of Cortes greed is from an history where Motecuhzoma sent his minister plenipotentiary to run into Cortes and brought him gifts of gold. They gave the Gods ensigns of gold, and ensigns of quetzal plumes, and aureate necklaces. And when they were given these nowadayss, the Spaniards explosion into smilings ; their eyes shone with pleasance ; they were delighted by them. They picked up the gold and fingered it like monkeys ; they seemed to be transported by joy as if their Black Marias were illumined and made new. The truth is that they longed and lusted for gold. Their organic structures swelled with greed, and their hungriness was famished ; they hungered like hogs for that gold. ( 51 ) Cortezs came to the New World with such few work forces, and such small resources. He was able to derive 1000s of Alliess, and deceive 1000s of work forces. He conquered one of the largest imperiums within a 2 twelvemonth clip period. Although I am non fond of Cortes character, and I am disgusted by the mistreatment of the Aztecs people, I must acknowledge I admire Cortes as a great military leader.